One of the great things about the Raspberry Pi 3 is its ability to use a wireless network connection, removing the need for extra cables. Up until now, Raspberry Pis provisioned with CattlePi have required a hardwired network connection. You may have even tried to hack around this by including a wpa_supplicant in your rootfs or other methods.

Wireless functionality is now a fully supported CattlePi feature! Once the proper key is setup in the config, and your CattlePi is fully provisioned, it will connect to the wireless network to do its business.

You need a few things setup for this all to work properly:

  • A valid wpa_supplicant.conf file that is base64 encoded (just as we do with the usercode). An example of said file is below. See the Raspberry Pi docs here for more info. Make sure you set your country code in the file per the documentation!
  • The config for your pi must have a config key wpa_supplicant. The key contains the base64 encoded wpa_supplicant file. (Example below)

Putting this all together is straightforward. Create a file wpa_supplicant.conf that looks like the following, substituting your details:

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev


Then we’ll base64 encode the file:

cat wpa_supplicant.conf | base64 -w 0

This will give us a long string of characters. This long string is what will live in our config file under the key config.wpa_supplicant. See the sample below.

  "config": {
    "wpa_supplicant": "Awholebunchofbase64encodeddata",

We’ll POST this config file to the API, allowing us to use it for future builds.

PAYLOAD='{...,"config":{"wpa_supplicant": "your-base-64-encoded-wpa_supplicant",...}}'

curl -vvv -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "X-Api-Key: yourcoolapikey" \
    -X POST -d "$PAYLOAD" \

To verify that we POST-ed the correct config:

curl -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "X-Api-Key: yourcoolapikey" \ | jq -r .config.wpa_supplicant | base64 -d

Now we should be able to fully provision our Pi. Let the Pi go through the entire CattlePi provisioning process, until it is sitting at a login prompt. Even with proper wireless config, a fully booted raspbian_cattlepi machine that has an Ethernet cable plugged into it will give precedence to the hardwired network. At this point, you can reboot the machine, pull the Ethernet cable, and function wirelessly from this point forward!

It is important to mention that you are welcome to update the wpa_supplicant data in the config at any time. If the Pi is booting and picks up a config file with updated wpa_supplicant data, it will reboot and use this new config data. You may also add multiple networks to the file if you know that you will be moving the Pi around to different places. The Raspberry Pi docs on this are really great (multiple network config is towards the bottom of the page).

The PR that implemented this feature is here.

As always, we welcome any and all feedback. Please open an issue for any issues/comments/suggestions.